School Dog
Dexie is our school dog. Dexie is a Cavapoo (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Poodle mix) and is one year old. She lives with Mrs Hilling our Head of School. Dexie comes to school at least one day a week. Dexie is getting used to all the sights and sounds of the school at the moment and spends her time with Mrs Hilling in her office, running around on the school field meeting the children, being petted and stroked. Dexie enjoys being stroked and tickled on her tummy. She is a very good listener and loves to see children's fantastic work. She loves to hear the children read and greet some children in the mornings. Dexie will often visit the classrooms to see what wonderful lessons are going on. Sometimes children will be able to walk Dexie around the field.
You can read our School Dog Policy and Risk Assessment below.