Online Safety
Online Safety at St Nicholas CE Primary School is an important part of our computing curriculum and is taught alongside every unit/skill rather than a stand-alone lesson. Our pupils are very lucky that they can use the internet within a safe and controlled environment and learn a range of skills such as internet research, online programming and educational games. At school, we are confident that our pupils are using the internet safely, but how many parents really know what their children are doing at home?
In this digital age, children learn how to use new technology so quickly and you will probably find that they can access websites and apps that perhaps you are not familiar with! That is why it is so important to take that time to speak with your child about what they are doing when at home. Do they know that they can come and speak to you if they feel uncomfortable about something they have seen on the web? Are they hidden away somwhere with their tablet, PC or mobile device? How do you know what they are doing?
Why not take some time to ask them? Lay down some clear rules for staying safe online at home and check your parental settings on their devices. If you're not sure how to do this, have a look at the resources below or speak to your child's teacher.
School Online Safety Guidelines
St Nicholas CE School publishes a set of rules for the use of computers and mobile devices at school. The rules help the children to be fair to others and keep everyone safe. All pupils sign up to these rules in a section of the Online Safety Policy. These rules are shown below:
- I will not tell anyone my password
- If I think someone knows my password, I will tell a teacher straight away
- I will not look at or delete other people's files
- I will only use the computers at school when a member of staff is present and has given me permission
- I will not use text talk on the learning platform or in emails
- I will not send nasty or teasing message to people
- I will not give out my home address or any phone number or arrange to meet anyone over the internet, even if it's a friend
- If I see anything I am unhappy with or if I receive a message I don't like, I will tell a teacher as soon as I can
Parental Controls
Parents are strongly encouraged to set parental controls on devices available to children; to limit access (limit time and block unsuitable websites) and ensure children are always in a room in the house where others are able to monitor and support them whilst browsing the web, playing games etc. Building a strong, open relationship with children relating to the internet, the access they have and the experiences they have (good and bad) is a priority for ensuring children are kept safe and can build resilience whilst using the internet.
Any parents concerned about an experience a child had had online should do the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) website and report it without delay.
If you would like further information please speak to the ICT Co-ordinator, your child's class teacher or the Head of School.
Useful Resources
- NSPCC Online Safety
- UK Safer Internet Centre
- Childnet - Online safety for children
- Thinkuknow - Online safety for parents and children